Scale up with Headquarters

Manage multiple venues from our central hub for complete visibility over your group. See recipes, analytics and users, all in one place.

Easily manage multiple venues

Connect your venues to Restoke and save time managing your locations with a unified source of truth:

Manage and deploy suppliers & recipes

Read only control for outlets

Group analytics dashboards

Sandbox master account for recipes

Toggle between venues and production kitchens

"With Restoke, we can instantly see the change to our theoretical cost of goods that a price rise impacts and then make a decision in real time about it. Should we raise the price? Should we change the build? Should we change something to do with the supply chain? Should we delete the product?"

Cliff Randerson
General Manager, LifeGrain

Get the information that matters

With a single click, you'll be able to view your entire business in one dashboard. You can monitor sales information and operating expenses at the same time - perfect for fast decision making.

You'll never be left in the dark again.

Understand your COGS

We use your inventory analytics and sales data to create easy-to-read reports so you understand your Cost of Goods Sold. You'll be able to see operating profits in seconds, not months!

Start making sense of your costs.

Automate your entire operation

Let us take care of the daily grind with everything you need to streamline your venue, including:

Want to chat over a cold one?

Grab your favourite beverage and talk to us online. We'll tell you more about Restoke and the local brewery or distillery we're supporting!