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Transform your

Unlock the potential of your business with Restoke and Redcat. Our seamless integration provides everything you need to automate operations across one site or many.  

Contact us for a quote today >

Restoke Pro

Supports Multiple sites
Live Food Costing
Automated Ordering
Stock and Inventory Management
Hands Free Invoice Processing
Kitchen Production Automation
Procedures & Compliance
Prep and Dish Recipes
Accounting Integrations
POS Integrations
Rostering Integrations
Headquarters Module
Central Production Kitchen
Dedicated Account Manager
Premium Support
Contact us for pricing >
Highly effective restaurant teams use Restoke to perfect operations
Melbourne, AUS
San Jose, USA
Melbourne, AUS
Cronulla, AUS
New Zealand
Fairlie, NZ
Sydney, AUS
Melbourne, AUS
Warrnambool, AUS
Melbourne, AUS
Austin, TX
Santa Cruz, CA
San Jose, CA
Grenada, MS
Las Vegas, NV
Cleveland, OH
Fort Worth, TX
Blanco, TX
Kissimmee, FL
Sydney, AUS
Sacramento, CA
Melbourne, AUS
West Bend, WI
Latham, NY

Automate your entire operation

Save countless hours and brainpower with everything you need to streamline your restaurant, including:

AI powered food and recipe costing, so you always know your margins

Live inventory and stock management

Simple one-click ordering from suppliers

Procedures and preps to help manage your team

Integrations for POS, accounting, rostering and more

Flexible pricing for venues and chains of all sizes

Your new favourite tool

Restoke works seamlessly with your existing workflow, on any device. No extra POS installation or hardware required. Replace spreadsheets, checklists, post-it notes and invoices with one easy to use platform.

Food costs, menus and recipes

Always know your food costs and get alerts when stock prices change. With the help of AI tools, we ensure you’re in control of your operating margins.

Stock and suppliers

Never miss an order, invoice or inventory item again. Do your stocktakes and schedule orders with the vendors you need. Then magically analyse invoices to pay your bills, with direct accounting integrations.

Easily manage your staff

Stop spending all your time micromanaging and training your team. With our set and forget checklist system, your staff will know exactly what needs to be done, so you can focus on running the business.

Health and safety compliance

Create and assign your food safety and hygiene protocols. Your team will always be across what they need to do to pass inspections. We’ll even set you up with best practice templates.

Our customers love us

See why over 10,000 hospitality professionals trust Restoke to optimise their restaurants

4.5 out of 5
5 out of 5
Aiven Lee

Head Chef, Yum Sing House

Restoke has been a great help when it comes to food costing. Automated price updates keep our business in the loop and allow us to adjust our menu price accordingly. The inventory feature is easy to use and provides us with an accurate figure.

Nicole G

We're very happy with Restoke

We're very happy with Restoke. Saves us time and captures a lot of data to help keep us efficient with ordering, stock take and bill tracking.

Roy Sassonkin

Chef and Owner, Tahina

Team were super helpful.

The main problems we had were communication and organisation, now that we're with Restoke they're a thing of the past. I was a bit hesitant at first, thinking it would take a lot of time and energy to set up, but it was surprisingly easy and quick.

Pellegrino Pizza

The staff jumped in 3 zoom calls to…

The staff jumped in 3 zoom calls to extensively help me with setup and address all my questions in a can do way, modeling our business on their platform so I'm set for success, rather than disappointment then follow by de-subscription.


Founder / Business Owner, Empire Chicken

Excellent Product

This application has enabled us to tidy up our daily operations significantly. It gives us preps and procedures for our staff to work through each day, detailed recipes and a very intuitive system for scanning invoices and updating food costs on the fly - just to name a few!

How do we make life simpler?

Focus on the important things while we handle the rest.

Set up your venue to self manage efficiently.

Boost teamwork, avoid burnout and improve retention.

Want to chat over a cold one?

Grab your favourite beverage and talk to us online. We'll tell you more about Restoke and the local brewery or distillery we're supporting!